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Antoine George
Sustainable Tourism and Carbon Emission Reduction Strategy Expert and Consultant Antoine has lived, worked, and traveled in different countries between Africa, the Arabic Peninsula, and South America, mainly in Cameroon, Brazil and Peru. He has established a network of first-class Sustainable Tourism and Carbon Emission Reduction Strategy experts and consultants whom he collaborates with according to the project.
Antoine George, a French-born consultant and expert in sustainable tourism based in Peru, is a beacon of inspiration with his unwavering commitment to promoting ethical and community-centered tourism practices. His wealth of practical experience in crafting and executing sustainable tourism strategies is primarily focused on ecotourism, community development, and cultural preservation, particularly with Indigenous communities in Peru, such as the Q'eros. He is a staunch advocate against exploitative tourism practices, always emphasizing fair compensation and direct contributions to local communities.
Antoine's professional journey includes impactful roles, such as a consultant for SNV in Cameroon, where he honed his skills in sustainable tourism development. In Peru, he spearheaded projects under MINCETUR's "De Mi Tierra un Producto" initiative in Lamas, Catacaos, and Raqchi. These projects, centered on community-driven tourism models, not only safeguard cultural heritage but also bolster local economies, demonstrating the tangible benefits of his work.
Antoine's significant role in the Machu Picchu Tourism Plan (2015-2019) is a testament to his expertise and influence in the field of sustainable tourism. His insights and recommendations outlined sustainable visitor management practices for this iconic site, and his experience was further sought in 2020 to evaluate and provide recommendations for the plan's ongoing effectiveness, reinforcing his status as a trusted expert in the industry.
He has worked extensively in the field, organizing journalist trips and the local production of environmental documentary projects, including the French movie "Once Upon a Forest" by Luc Jacquet.
Antoine George's insights, rooted in practical experience across diverse geographic and cultural landscapes, serve as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable future. His dedication to reducing tourism's carbon footprint and promoting sustainable and responsible tourism development strategies is a source of optimism for the industry's future.
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VP Marketing
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